How to Reset Your PIN for Atto Kiosk

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Misplaced your PIN for Atto Kiosk? No problem! Resetting it is simple. Follow these instructions to regain access:

Resetting Your Kiosk PIN:

  1. Launch the App: Open the Atto Kiosk application.

  2. Forgot PIN?: Select the "Forgot PIN" option.

  3. Email Entry: Type in the email tied to your Atto account.

  4. Check Your Email: You'll receive an email with a link to reset your PIN.

  5. Set New PIN: Click the link to create a new 4-digit PIN.

  6. Save: Confirm your new PIN and then log in.

Important Tips:

  • Link Expiry: The reset link is only valid for a limited time, typically 24 hours. If not used in time, you'll need to start over.

  • Troubleshooting: If resetting your PIN proves difficult, get in touch with your Atto account admin or the Atto support team for further help.

With these steps, you can easily reset your PIN and maintain secure access to your Atto Kiosk. Remember to create a PIN that's secure yet memorable to you.

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