Tailor location tracking to your unique workflow with Atto's flexible settings. This article will guide you through the setup process, empowering you to gain valuable insights into team movements and optimize resource allocation
Setting Location Tracking Preferences:
- In your Atto account, go to Settings and then select Location Tracking.
- Choose from the following options:
- While on the Clock: This option tracks users' locations during clock in/out, in real time, and throughout the day. It requires setting the device's location permissions to "Always."
- On Clock In/Out Only: Select this to track locations only during clock in/out events. Set the device's location permissions to "While Using the App."
- Never: If you prefer not to track locations, choose this option. No location permissions will be required.
User-Specific Location Tracking:
- Enable “User-Specific Tracking” for more granular control.
- Adjust location tracking settings for individual team members as needed.
Important Note:
- For "While on the Clock" or "On Clock In/Out" tracking, team members must enable location services for Atto on their devices. This is necessary for functions like clocking in/out, job logging, or taking breaks. For more information on how to enable location services, refer to this article: Setting Up Location Tracking Permissions on Mobile Devices
By utilizing these settings, you can ensure that Atto's location tracking features align perfectly with your operational requirements, offering the right balance of oversight and privacy. Whether for safety, accountability, or logistical reasons, these tailored options provide the flexibility and control you need for efficient team management.