Setting Up Location Tracking Permissions on Mobile Devices (iOS & Android)

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Atto's location tracking feature provides valuable insights into team member whereabouts and work activities. To enable location tracking and maximize its effectiveness, users need to grant Atto access to their device's location services. The process for enabling location tracking differs slightly between iOS and Android devices.

Enabling Location Tracking on iOS Devices

  1. Open your device’s Settings app
  2. Go to Privacy > Location Services
  3. Select Atto from the list of apps
  4. Set Location Access: Choose the appropriate location access setting based on your account's requirements:
    • "Always": This setting allows Atto to track the user's location continuously, even when the app is not actively in use. This setting is recommended for maximum accuracy and reliability of location tracking.
    • "While Using the App": This setting allows Atto to track the user's location only when the app is open and in the foreground. While it provides some privacy control, it may result in gaps in location data if the app is minimized or closed.
  5. Enable Precise Location (Optional): If available, toggle the "Precise Location" switch to the "On" position. This feature enhances location accuracy by utilizing additional data sources, such as Wi-Fi networks.

Enabling Location Tracking on Android Devices

  1. Open your device’s Settings app
  2. Go to Security & Location > Location
    • If you don't see "Security & location," tap Location
    • If you have a work profile, before you tap Location, tap Advanced.
  3. Go to App Level Permissions
  4. Select Atto from the list of apps
  5. Set Location Access: Choose the appropriate location access setting based on your account's requirements:
    • "Allowed all the time": This setting allows Atto to track the user's location continuously, even when the app is not actively in use. This setting is recommended for maximum accuracy and reliability of location tracking.
    • "Allow only while using the app": This setting allows Atto to track the user's location only when the app is open and in the foreground. While it provides some privacy control, it may result in gaps in location data if the app is minimized or closed.

Enhancing Location Accuracy

To further improve location tracking accuracy, consider the following tips:

  • Enable Wi-Fi: Scanning for Wi-Fi networks can assist in pinpointing the device's location more precisely.
  • Ensure Cellular Coverage: Adequate cellular signal is crucial for accurate location updates.
  • Minimize Obstructions: Keep the device away from objects that may interfere with GPS signal reception, such as thick walls or metal enclosures.

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